An Analyst’s take on Data Cleaning

Data vs Information “There was a very bad effect of covid-19 on the stock market. Many companies lost crores of rupees” The above statement is meaningful in understanding the trend and state of stock market as a whole. But it lacks the specifics, clarity and granularity. That is data for you. Data can come in […]

Data Speaks: Data-driven governance for Jal Jeevan Mission

Jal Jeevan Mission (JJM) is an ambitious plan of the Union Government to provide piped water connection to every rural household by 2024 with 3.5 Lakh Crores investment. Even the state governments have invested heavily into this project like Mission Bhagiratha in Telangana. The National Sample Survey (NSS) report on Drinking Water, Sanitation, Hygiene and Housing Condition in India included crucial data […]

Ways to deal with class imbalance in a classification problem

What is class imbalance? A dataset is said to have class imbalance problem if there is a huge difference between the number of observations of each class. For example a classification problem of finding fraudulent transactions will have very few fraudulent transactions compared non fraudulent transactions Why is it a problem? Because machine learning algorithms […]

Disaster Relief with the advent of Artificial Intelligence

Natural disasters and man-made disasters are part and parcel of our everyday life. The year 2020 has portrayed the severity and damage that disasters can bring around globally. Disaster Relief Management has geared up to the next level, owing to the intervention from the world of artificial intelligence. Several organizations like Quatar Computing Research Institute (QCRI) […]

Data Science for Marketing

Data Science is used in various spheres of digital marketing : Search Engine optimization, customer profiling and targeted marketing, market research, customer churn prediction, predicting customer lifetime value, etc. Let’s dive deeper into this in this article! Marketing analytics: How effective your marketing strategies are in terms of reach, ROI, etc is the main thing […]

Data Science in Sports

To most of us, sports are a source of exercise and joy, something that we catch up with after a scorching day at work. But the Sports industry is also a massive revenue generator, valued at well over 500 Billion Dollars through direct sources of revenue alone. In today’s Sporting world, Data Science is used to construct […]

Data Science in Agriculture

With increasing population, decreasing land sizes for agriculture and climate change ( leading to erratic rainfall patterns) increasing agricultural yield per square feet is more important than ever. The solution lies in using smart farming and data driven precision farming. This involves employing IoT, data science and other emerging technologies to increase revenue and efficiency.  […]

Data Speaks: Swacch Bharat Mission Analysis

Swacch Bharat Mission (SBM) is the ambitious national campaign launched by the Union government in 2014 with the objective of making India open defecation free (ODF) by 2019 through the construction of toilets and promoting their use. It has been executed by the Ministry of Drinking Water and Sanitation (MDWS) in rural areas as SBM-Gramin […]

Data Science in Supply Chain Management

The supply chain historically has always had some amount of analytics. It has evolved from simple mathematical equations to complex statistical and probabilistic modeling in Excel to even more complex data science and machine learning models. I say evolved because the accuracy and use cases have gone up with every step. There’s even a separate […]

Data Science in Finance

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